Chongqing Changyuan Chemical Co.,Ltd.
Products detail
Product Name: Aminoacetic Acid
CAS No: 56-40-6
Product Type: Organic Chemicals and Derivatives -> Carboxylic acids
Product spec: ≥97.5%
Packing: in woven polypropylene bag
Post Time: 2010-11-11
Usage: Primarily act as an intermediate in the production of herbicides (particularly Glyphosate), fungicides, insecticides, and plant growth regulators. Glycine can act as a non toxic activator to absorb carbon dioxide in nitrogen fertilizer industry. Glycine is used as electrolytic additive, pH buffer, as a raw material in organic synthesis and production of pharmaceutics.
Description: White crystalline powder, odorless, non toxic, non corrosive and has a peculiar sweet flavor. Glycine is extremely difficult to be dissolved in ethanol, and almost insoluble in acetone or ethyl ether.
Recipient: Liu Qian Qian Company: Chongqing Changyuan Chemical Co.,Ltd.
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