Chongqing Changyuan Chemical Co.,Ltd.
Products detail
Product Name: Sodium Permanganate Aqueous Solution
CAS No: 10101-50-5
Product Type: Inorganic Chemicals -> Inorganic salts
Product spec: 40%
Packing: high density polyethylene tanks or plastic lined steel drums.
Post Time: 2010-11-11
Usage: Sodium Permanganate act as an oxidizing agent, disinfectant, bactericide, oxidation of o-toluene sulfonamide to produce saccharine, purification of toluene amide. It is also an antidote of morphine and phosphorus, and organic/pharmaceutical synthetic reactions. Sodium permanganate has been used in water treatment and remediation of soil because of it is capable of degrading BTEX, phenols, PAHs, chlorinated ethenes and explosives, and removing hydrogen sulfide. Because of the high solubility in water, Sodium permanganate is preferred for applications that require high concentrations of permanganate ion, like etching of plastic parts of printed circuit board. Other uses of Sodium Permanganate include metal surface treatment agent and metal cleaning formulation, etc. Sodium Permanganate can substitute Potassium Permanganate in applications.
Description: Sodium Permanganate is a dark purple solution with strong oxidizing power. It is miscible with water, ethanol, ether and liquid chlorine. Decompose in alkali.
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