Chongqing Changyuan Chemical Co.,Ltd.
Products detail
Product Name: Potassium Hydroxide
CAS No: 1310-58-3
Product Type: Inorganic Chemicals -> Inorganic alkali
Product spec: ≥80%
Packing: in steel drums with a net content of 200kg.
Post Time: 2010-11-11
Usage: Industry of potassium salts, electroplating, dyeing, compound fertilizers, synthetic fibers, plastics, etc.
Description: Grey, bluish green or pale purple solid. It is deliquescent and absorbs water vapor from the air. It forms potassium carbonate upon the absorption of carbon dioxide. Potassium hydroxide releases heat upon dissolution in water and becomes a strong alkali solution; highly corrosive.
Recipient: Liu Qian Qian Company: Chongqing Changyuan Chemical Co.,Ltd.
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